Medivolve will host a webinar Thursday, February 4th at 1 pm ET. This includes an overview of Collection Sites’ network growth and a presentation from the UCLA researchers behind the Marvel Diagnostics innovative BlowFISH Technology for the detection of the presence of the COVID-19 virus.
Toronto, Ontario February 1st, 2021 — Medivolve Inc. (“Medivolve”) (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) is pleased to announce it is hosting a Corporate Update webinar, Thursday February 4th at 1 pm ET that will provide investors with an update on the Company's recent business developments.
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Specifically, the webinar will feature Medivolve CEO Doug Sommerville and Collection Sites, LLC President Tim Shelburn who will discuss the growth of Collection Sites’ COVID-19 testing network and recent sales performance. It will also feature a special presentation from the UCLA-based research team behind Marvel Diagnostics and its novel technology. Medivolve has signed a share purchase agreement to acquire up to 40% of Marvel Diagnostics Inc, for an aggregate price of up to US$1 million through a series of milestone-based payments. This funding will be used to complete clinical studies for the BlowFISH collection system and to design and optimize, manufacture and market the device.
Read The Full Press Release on Medivolve's Website>> About Marvel Diagnostics Technology The non-invasive low-cost BlowFISH will be a disruptive technology in an essential and fast-growing market. The BlowFISH POC system comprises a standalone BlowFISH collector which, when coupled with Marvel’s proposed FISH detection system, is expected to have very high sensitivity, excellent specificity, a short single test run time, and high capacity (10 min/test, 180/hr capacity). The technology will be rolled out sequentially. The stand-alone collector (BlowFISH) will come to market first as a direct replacement for the nasopharyngeal swabbing. The next step will couple antigen-based detection to the BlowFISH collector to produce a simple, fast POC system. When the viral-RNA detection (FISH) system is fully developed, the BlowFISH collector will be sold directly to customers while the FISH detection equipment will be loaned with a multi-year contract and minimum number of kits purchase agreement. The BlowFISH collector will be compatible with existing and emerging POC diagnostic test systems, such as an rtPCR-based test. It is a simple matter of extracting the exhaled breath condensate from the collection zone and shipping it off for diagnostic testing. COVID-19 Research Disclaimer: Medivolve cautions that this research is still early-stage research and development and is not making any express or implied claims that it has or will have the ability to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus at this time. Further, Medivolve cautions that it is not making any express or implied claims that the device(s) or technology will have successful clinical study results or be in a position to obtain FDA approvals required to commercialize the technology. About Marvel Diagnostics Inc. Marvel Diagnostics Inc. is a company focused on the commercialization of the novel BlowFISH technology developed by its UCLA-based research team funded by NSF-RAPID and NIH. The Marvel Diagnostics research team led by Pirouz Kavehpour (Professor, UCLA) with Jonathan Rothstein (Professor, UMass-Amherst) and Jeff Ruberti (Professor, Northeastern U.), all former lab mates at Massachusetts Institute of Technology nearly 20 years ago. Moving forward, Leyla Mirmomen (PhD/MBA) is the executive who will lead the commercialization of the technology and run the company. The Marvel Diagnostics team also has several medical experts at UCLA’s hospital serving as consultants for infectious disease, FDA clearance and clinical trials. Marvel Diagnostics will leverage an existing partnership with UCLA to develop the technology.
About Medivolve, Inc. Medivolve, Inc. (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) seeks out disruptive technologies, ground-breaking innovations, and exclusive partnerships to help combat COVID-19 and generate remarkable risk-adjusted returns for investors. Specifically, Medivolve offers investors a diversified investment in the COVID-19 medical space across three areas; prevention, detection, and treatment.
Medivolve has a team of renowned global medical and business advisors that have developed a proprietary business strategy to capitalize on high-margin opportunities in the COVID-19 space. This panel includes prominent immunologist Dr. Lawrence Steinman and Dr. Glenn Copeland, who has 45 years of experience in orthopaedic treatment, foot and ankle care, and sports medicine.
Medivolve’s primary focus is to provide convenient and assessable medical services for testing of the COVID-19 virus to help combat the pandemic. This is achieved largely through two acquisitions: 100% of Collection Sites, LLC and 28% of Colombian Sanaty IPS. Collection Sites is setting up a series of COVID-19 testing sites across the United States with appointments and payments will be handled through the online portal Sanaty is setting up a series of full-service medical clinics offering a complete COVID-19 testing solution. For additional information, please contact: Doug Sommerville, CEO For investing inquiries please contact: Evan Veryard For US media enquires please contact: Veronica Welch +1-508-643-8000